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Found 146 results for the keyword take five. Time 0.006 seconds.

"Take Five" is a jazz piece composed by Paul Desmond and performed by The Dave Brubeck Quartet on their 1959 album Time Out. Recorded at Columbia Records' 30th Street Studio in New York City on July 1, 1959, fully two years later it became an unlikely one-hit wonder and the best-selling jazz single of all time. -- Wikipedia

Take Five - To Stop Fraud | Take Five is a national campaign offe

Take Five offers straight-forward and impartial advice to help everyone in the UK protect themselves against financial fraud. - Details - Similar

About Take Five | Take Five to Stop Fraud

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The Take Five Charter | Take Five to Stop Fraud

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News | Take Five to Stop Fraud

Latest posts: Take Five to Stop Fraud - Details - Similar

General Toolkit | Take Five to Stop Fraud

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Business Toolkit | Take Five to Stop Fraud

We want organisations, businesses and individuals to be able to spread the message and get involved in the campaign so we can all help protect the nation - Details - Similar

Accessibility Toolkit | Take Five to Stop Fraud

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General Advice | Take Five to Stop Fraud

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Business Advice | Take Five to Stop Fraud

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About UK Finance | Take Five to Stop Fraud

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